
Photo By Rodolfo Clix

Chairman‘s Message



Since Kenko’s founding in 1965, the company has grown into a truly indispensable trading corporation that not only exports industrial chemicals but also markets materials and products of nutraceuticals, food and feed additives, pharmaceutical intermediates, and multiple industrial applications.

In 1994, we created Soft Gel Technologies, Inc., a Los Angeles based soft capsule maker of health foods, and have since built a solid reputation of distinction as a manufacturer in the US market. Our commercial network extends to Germany, China, and India where subsidiaries and branch offices are located to correspond to various needs of customers and suppliers around the world.

We are dedicated to providing No.1 solution services in global niche markets, primarily focusing on Europe, the United States, India, China, and Japan. We aim to support our customers, be of service to them, and contribute to society, including the global environment.

We look forward to your continuous support and encouragement.


Ken Tsuchibe


December 1965

Founded by President Satomi Tsuchibe with Capital JPY5,400,000

July 1992

Opened Osaka Branch Office in Japan

May 1994

Created Optio Health Products Inc. in Los Angeles (Capital $50,000)

September 1994

Created Soft Gel Technologies Inc. (Capital $500,000)

January 1997

Opened Mumbai Branch Office in India

April 2000

Created Optipure Japan Ltd. (Capital JPY3,000,000)

May 2001

Opened Moscow Branch Office in Russia

March 2003

Opened Shanghai Branch Office in China

April 2003

Formed Kenko Holding Company Inc. in Los Angeles, US (Capital $6,970,000)

June 2004

Formed Kenko-Bally Enterprises (Shenzhen) Ltd. in China (Capital$300,000)


Formed Kenko-Bally Hong Kong Ltd. in China (Capital HKD770,000)

July 2005

Formed Beckmann-Kenko GmbH in Germany (Capital EUR50,000)

September 2006

Formed Kenko (Qingdao) Co., Ltd. in China (Capital $300,000)

November 2006

Formed Kenko International Inc. in Los Angeles. Kenko International Inc. acquired Kenko USA Inc. (Capital $1,150,000)

May 2007

Raised shareholding ratio of Beckmann-Kenko GmbH from 50% to 60% and incorporated the joint venture (Capital EUR 50,000)

November 2012

Opened Fukuoka Branch Office in Japan

June 2013

Formed Qingdao Kenko Co., Ltd. in China (Capital $200,000)

January 2014

Elected Hisazo Matsuo to be President

June 2015

Elected Tatsuya Imou to be President

December 2015

Marked 50th anniversary

January 2021

Elected Yasunori Kamei to be President

June 2023

Elected Ken Tsuchibe to be Chairman

June 2024

Elected Hitoshi Sasaki to be President